Customer Testimonial

Jessica Botha

I cannot say enough about Faithful Companion and ALL of the employees. My veterinary clinic dropped the ball BIG time. I had to put my 15 year old German Sheppard, Maggie down a week ago today. The vet was supposed to contact FC to pick my beloved Maggie up. They didn’t. I called FC saturday to inquire when my Maggie was going to be delivered. They didn’t get the call to pick up my girl. Patty went above the moon to fix it even though it wasn’t their fault. She contacted my vets first thing monday morning and sent a car out to pick up my girl. She contacted me immediately and told me what she had done. She didn’t charge me for my paw prints and added engraving to her box. Their compassion was and always is spectacular. I will always utilize their services. I have for 3 of my pets to date. What an excellent team of people. Thank you to everyone there.