Customer Testimonial

David Kaplovitz

Our beloved schnoodle Denny, after battling illness for some time, passed on after a wonderful life of just over thirteen years. After she passed, we delivered her to our veterinarian, who then delivered her into the wonderful hands of Faithful Companion’s Royal Oak, MI location. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we were not able to be present at Denny’s cremation, however, my family and I are were so very impressed and grateful for the way Denny was treated after her passing, and the beautiful wooden urn she came home within. The urn, along with Denny’s paw print now sit on our mantle so that whenever my family gather’s together, we know Denny will be with us. Along with Denny’s urn, we were so very impressed with the pamphlet we received with the urn, and the Rainbow Bridge poem, a beautiful and emotional tribute to our lost furry friend. Thank you so much to everyone at Faithful Companion’s Royal Oak, Michigan location for your kindness, and respect toward my family in our time of grief. I had the opportunity to speak with Patrick at the Royal Oak, MI location, and express our deepest thanks on my family’s behalf, and our course wanted to leave this testimonial too. We would HIGHLY recommend this service to anyone looking for a caring and respectful pet cremation service! Thank You SO Much!!!