Customer Testimonial

Simona Vasquez

A heartfelt thank you to the entire Royal Team. Starting with my first frantic phone call to Eric last Thursday Sept. 28, 2017 when I discover my “Kitty Boy” of 13 yrs. passed away while I was at work. The driver Shawn was caring , kind and patient. He sat with me and my daughter till I was ready for him to take my beloved. He listen to my story over and over again, and was extremely sympathetic. He assured me that everyone at Faithful Companion are pet owners that love their animals. I selected a private cremation but not till the next day. No pressure and no rash disission. I was in unsure and in shock and they wanted me to think about and call the next day. Thank you again for the high standards and professionalism that I experienced.
My “Kitty Boy” is forever with me!
Simona Vasquez