Customer Testimonial

Delynn Meyer

One year ago this week, February 8th I had to make the heartbreaking, gut-wrenching decision to end my sweet Edmunds life after a 6 plus year battle with cancer where he not only survived, but thrived. Edmund was my baby boy who I loved and adored. That evening Faithful Companion picked Eddie up from ACIC in Canton… I wanted to be sure all of the arrangements were set which is when I encountered Marc, who over the telephone was as kind, supportive and compassionate as one could ever imagine. Even though I had never met Marc and he didn’t know Edmund he made me immediately feel comfortable & confident Edmund would be treated with the dignity and respect he deserved. I was overwhelmed by Marc’s kindness. The next day I received a phone call from ACIC that Edmund had already been returned to them for me to bring him home. Not quite one year later… my darling Isabella (Edmunds sister) became gravely ill very suddenly over the holidays. I once again made the heartbreaking decision to put her to sleep and out of her suffering on January 2nd… I was once again devastated. I decided to take Bella myself to Faithful Companion in Royal Oak where Marc was this time awaiting my arrival with Isabella. Once again we were treated with the same kindness, support and compassion as I remembered on my phone call, not quite a year ago. Marc made an awful day and circumstance somehow more bearable for me. I now have both Edmund & Isabella at home with me in their beautifully engraved matching urns. I will always be eternally grateful for the care, respect and professionalism we were shown by Marc and Faithful Companion on both of these difficult, sad occasions. I thought it appropriate with the one year anniversary of Edmunds passing and with Isabellas recent passing to personally thank Marc from the bottom of my heart. With my humble gratitude, Delynn Meyer Berkley, MI