Customer Testimonial

Patricia Graham

Over the past twenty years, pet “care” (services and products) has morphed into an industry driven by business models, fads, metrics, sales/marketing, operations and so on. But at the end of the day, as always, genuine care occurs from the heart and soul level of animals and their humans, faithful companions since the beginning of time.

On the sad occasion when you, the human, suffer the dark tragedy of your faithful companion’s death, one hastened by inexplicable veterinary incompetence and carelessness, you hope for, but don’t expect (in this century), some bright service and support moment that reaffirms your faith and trust in other humans.

My recent experience with Faithful Companion Pet Cremation Services in Royal Oak was such a bright, uplifting moment. Words cannot express my deep appreciation for Wayne and the team. I will you remember you always for not only assuring my dear Quagmire’s final ascent was fit for the King that he was, but your kind and compassionate attention to my broken heart.