Customer Testimonial

Kathy Gorski

After 19 yrs together we lost our baby girl Zoey. Even though you know the time is coming it doesn’t make it any easier when the time does come! We had lost our dog four years ago and had him cremated and knew that we wanted Zoey to also be. We were very blessed to have Zoey put to sleep her in our home by In the Pink Mobile Pet Care, LLC. and they referred us to FCPCS. From the time I made the call to set up the arrangements, until the time they brought her back to us, we had nothing but kindness and awesome customer service. We were very pleased and it warmed my heart that she was handled with such care as a personal delivery to her forever home. We would recommend FCPCS to anyone who is in our place and has lost a pet. Thank you FCPCS for everything-blessings!