Customer Testimonial

Frances D’Anna

Day 2 is still hard….woke up alot last night just looking at Buster spot. The other 2 Dogs are mourning in their own way…they know that Buster is gone……
Im so greatful to have Buster ashes back with me. Faithful Companion came and delivered his ashes this morning. They truely are compassionate, caring and understand your feelings.
With Buster Urn, Faithful Companion had a beautiful card, a Rainbow Bridge keepsake and a pamphlet about the company.
The delivery driver was dressed very nice…black dress pants, nice shoes and a nice polo shirt marked “Faithful Companion”. The companies van was clean and no advertisement on it. They want you receive your pet with dignity.
The driver answered all my questions. He even asked about Buster and how he was throughout his life. He listened and made me feel like a customer and not just a dollar sign. Im so greatful Wyandotte Animal Hospital is affliated with them. I will use them for all of my dogs when its their time…..
Thank you Faithful Companion for your guidance and many conversations to tey and help me cope. Im so greatful that Buster remains are here with me. I love you Buster to the moon and back with all of the stars in the sky………Youre free sweet Buster…but youll always be by my side….
Love you,