Customer Testimonial

Sondra Biggers

My sweet baby Zoey passed suddenly (within less than 1 hour). She was the world to us, she loved life and everyone she met. I was pleased with the urn and the way the inscription was done. Having her back the next day made life a tiny bit more bearable for us. Unfortunately, because I was beside myself and was unable to read the small print on the bottom of the invoice, I don’t feel that I received by entire baby back. Was not able to read (without a magnifying glass) that all metal implants would be disposed of unless I requested them back. Policy should be changed to where entire pet (including parts that were surgically implanted and have become part of the pet) should be returned to the pet parent unless parent specifies that they do not want. I spoke with the office manager regarding this. Otherwise, I am satisfied with the service and am happy to have my baby back (most of her)