Customer Testimonial

Rennae Deittrick

I cannot say enough good things about Faithful Companion Pet Cremation Services. I had our beloved dog – King put down at home by a wonderful Vet who does in home pet euthanasia. He uses the Royal Oak facility for those of us who want our pet cremated. I requested a private cremation with ashes returned to me. That is exactly what was done. I received a call within 24 hours they were delivering my beloved pets ashes to me at my home. The gentleman who brought my boy home couldn’t of been any kinder, understanding & compassion & caring. Extending his & Faithful Companions deepest & Sincere Sympathy. They know & understand our pets are our family member to those of us who feel this way. They treat them & us just lwith such dignity & caring.I was extremely pleased with their service. I would use them again for my pet & or a human family member. I highly recommend them.