Customer Testimonial

Michelle Wilinski

We are so grateful for Faithful Companions, especially Jeremy. Our fur baby, Chewy, passed away while we were on vacation. He was with his babysitter and she brought him to Faithful Companions. They said they would keep him until I was able to call with instructions. I called the next morning and the most compassionate, kind and helpful young man helped me make final arrangements for our fur baby. Jeremy was patient and empathetic with me and expressed his condolences. It was easy to tell just how much he cared about our loss. He said he would bring Chewy home to us when we got back from vacation. He brought him to us right away when I called to let him know we were home. He acted like he had all the time in world for me and my crying. Jeremy brought me so much comfort during one of the most difficult times in my life. I will recommend him and Faithful Companions to everyone I know.