Customer Testimonial

Joanne Anderson

When we lost our 13 year old black lab Gunner, we were grief stricken. I cannot thank both Lap of Love and Faithful Companion enough for making one of the worst days of our lives as comforting as possible. From the first phone call to Gunner’s ashes being hand delivered the next day, every person was kind, sympathetic, patient and understanding. I am so comforted with the fact that Gunner’s remains were handled respectfully and he were not away from home for very long. Before we learned of this beautiful service, we had to leave a past dog on the floor of a vets office and receive his remains via UPS a week and a half later. That never felt right. I will recommend Lap of Love and Faithful Companion to anyone in the same unfortunate circumstances of losing a beloved pet. I will never help another pet cross the rainbow bridge any other way. Thank you Faithful Companion.