Customer Testimonial

Ann Gerteisen

I was first introduced to Faithful Companions through Laps of Love. The care they took of our Maddie, 145lb Rotterdam, after her crossing was extraordinary. From the respect they gave the body to the personal delivery of the remains and heartfelt sympathy of everyone we encountered, this was a striking difference to our previous experiences. When Jack Black was losing his battle to cancer faster than anticipated, we wanted to make sure Faithful Companions took care of him from the time he crossed until the time he was given back to us. We had multiple calls to coordinate arrangements and everyone was so compassionate and professional. The engraved boxes are beautiful. Joellen and Tom were so kind and so accommodating. Ethan, who returned Jack to us, was incredibly professional and compassionate. I greatly appreciate everything they do to make this easier. We adopt old dogs to give them the best, loved and spoiled rotten days/years of their life. Tom and Joellen’s team gives them the best final care possible. Thank you so much, its beyond words.
Gerteisen Family