Customer Testimonial

Katilyn Alilovich

My family lost our beautiful blue eyed Diesel. He was a Great Dane that my family got the pleasure of having for about ten years. Diesel was such a gentle giant afraid of his own shadow. He was also my mom’s best friend. And this year being hard on everyone loosing him right now was especially hard. I am truly thankful for having found Faithful Companion team. I can’t even begin to thank this wonderful team. JoEllen who is so sweet and genuine helped me on the phone, and was the one I was in contact with getting everything together. To Tom who was there to handle Diesel, but also help my parents through this difficult time. I can’t thank them enough for what they did for my family but really being there for my parents with not only answering questions but being able to bring their boy back home to them so fast. It is truly amazing to not only see but feel the compassion and genuineness. That is something you don’t come in contact with daily. From start to finish it was handled with such professionalism and thoughtfulness I am truly thankful for you guys!