Customer Testimonial

Bonnie Straley

The folks at Faithful Companion have been so wonderful to myself and family. It was emotionally devastating losing our little Rosiee so suddenly, but one call to Tom Groen and he was compassionate and understanding. Tom handled this terrible time in our lives with a gentle kindness. Faithful Companion was caring, understanding and took care of our little Rosiee in a very sensitive and delicate manner. Rosiee is now with us in a beautiful little Urn, we have a wonderful print of her paw to cherish. I am very thankful that Faithful Companion was there for us, not once but also for our good ole girl Morgan who passed in December of this year.
I have and will continue to recommend them to anyone having to go through such a terrible loss of a precious family member.
Thank you so much, Tom Groen and the staff at Faithful Companion, you are the best.
Bonnie Straley