Customer Testimonial

Charles & Colleen Rogers

It’s never an easy decision to let a beloved family member go. Our Cosmo was a rescue beagle, and we were blessed to have 6 wonderful years with him. When the time came to say goodbye, our veterinarian suggested Faithful Companion, and it’s a choice I would highly recommend. We were impressed by their courtesy, professionalism, compassion, and attention to detail. One of their counselors, Jeremy, delivered our dog’s remains 24 hours after his passing. He cried with us as we talked about our lives with Cosmo, his adoption, and his adventures! As a child, I was raised with Beagles–Cosmo was our second since we were married. They all have quirky and unique personalities. Our boy will be missed, but we’re comforted by the care and dignity he received from Faithful Companion, and we will never forget Jeremy’s support.