Customer Testimonial

Beth Bucek

Thank you to Faithful Companions for making this process easier on us. My husband and I have never had to go through anything like this before, and we felt at peace that Gabriel was handled with respect and care. Everyone had the perfect comforting words as we were at a loss. Our precious cat Gabriel was 16 years old, and we will never forget the amount of caring and respect that we received. A huge thank you to Russ for calling me back early before they were open and explaining the process to us. Thank you to Jennifer for helping us feel comforted and giving us some tips for telling our children. Thank you to Tom for dropping off Gabriel back at home and saying some words of comfort. Everyone was beyond professional and treated Gabriel and us as we were family. I highly recommend Faithful Companion to anyone when it comes time to need this service because you can rest assured that your furbabies will be taken care of and returned home to you with honor and respect.