Customer Testimonial

Stephanie Clark

This is our second experience using Faithful Companion. Our first was with our beloved cat Nala and we couldn’t have asked for a better service. This time, we unexpectedly lost one of our beloved dogs to metastasized cancer at 12 years old. We have been heartbroken. This week was a snow and ice nightmare and we didn’t want anyone traveling…but our vet was there, went in to do the surgery for our girl Budgie, and called us with the bad news that the tumor he found was cancerous and had spread to all internal organs. We chose to let our girl go out with peaceful dreams and in no pain. Faithful Companion came to the vet office that day and picked her up. Due to the continuing snow and ice storm, we couldn’t get there the next day or the next. We changed appointments several times. We received more snow on top of ice but Faithful Companion was there. We changed the appointment times again for our girl’s private cremation. We wanted to be there but had other babies at home and didn’t want to drive in bad weather. We were finally able to get to Faithful Companion on the fourth day. They were very accommodating as we were going to pick up roses for our girl and take our time getting to their facility in Nashville. Unfortunately, we were going to be a little late and I called them on the way and they were just so comforting and kind. We arrived and our girl was so soft and beautiful (she was a long-haired medium-sized dog). She looked so peaceful. They did not rush us and gave us all the time we needed to see our girl and put her roses with her in her crematory container. We stayed throughout the process and left with our girl’s ashes. It has really helped my husband and I process the loss to have such kind and loving people handle the arrangements with Nala and our girl Budgie. When we got home, our boy dog, who is the flock guardian, came outside into the snow. My husband was taking a video of him. He was looking for Budgie, smelling around our vehicle for her and frantically still searching. He has never done this before but he began looking straight up into the sky like his eyes were following something not far overhead and then, flying around…and it seemed like he was looking at Budgie flying above him with her new angel wings. I feel at peace with losing our girl now and I will always go to Faithful Companion.