Customer Testimonial


I lost my sweet Papa yesterday and have just received him back. I cannot tell you how reassuring it was making the decision knowing that he was going to be cared for after we left him to your care. I spent fourteen years with Papa after rescuing him from an abusive, caged life- and spent almost every waking moment either caring for or worrying about him and that ended yesterday. My sister recently had to put her dog down in Atlanta and had a horrible experience- they lost her pet’s ashes and gave her a clip-art paw print commemorative piece of plywood in return. She was devastated to say the least. It led me to ask questions of the vet like “are they kind to his body after we leave?” and “is it his actual paw print?”. When they told me about the protective box he would be transported in and they assured me it was his print and that I would get him back in 24 hours I knew I could trustingly let him go. Papa was my soulmate and life will not be the same without him, but I cannot tell you how invaluable it is to know that there are people out there who care as much as we do about our pets. With much love, thank you.