Customer Testimonial

Linda Brown

This was a very hard loss for us! Our little man Ricky was sick most of this 13 years and 4 months. Nevertheless, he had a great life and enjoyed it fully! We always wanted the best for him; so when a hospice vet came to visit Ricky one day, he gave us the referral to Faithful Companion. Immediately, we called and spoke to Russ. On January 12, we let Ricky go; he left this Earth so graceful. We called Faithful Companion and Russ was there again and he remembered us! He told us to come and when we arrived he was ready for us. As promised, the next day they came with Ricky and our memory treasures. It was beautiful that day and we were able to take his remains and scattered some of them at his favorite park with his 2 sisters for a family remembrance. We are still grieving but Faithful Companion helped make Ricky’s last day a tremendous blessing for him and us. Without a doubt, this is the best service here in Nashville. They truly cared about us and for Ricky. Bless you for your caring, Faithful Companion. I will never forget you and will use you again.