Customer Testimonial

Rebecca Draper

There are no words that could possibly illuminate my greasiest I’d appreciation for your kindness. I had to help both of my boys cross the rainbow bridge yesterday. It by far has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life.

We called at 9:30 pm and asked if there was any possible way I could see my babies one last time. The gentleman on the phone was BEYOND caring and thoughtful to our situation. Although the office was closing in 30 minutes and it would take us at least 20 to get there he said it would absolutely be no problem at all.

I was able to touch and hold my boys one more time. I brought their blanket and put them together how they always slept and got one last beautiful picture.

I don’t think there is any way any single person on this earth could possibly understand my gratitude for not only giving us this one last chance but for being so thoughtful and understanding.