Customer Testimonial

Misty Kaposy

Our family lost our beloved Mia on Monday. She was a very special little girl, to her momma especially. I couldn’t love this little girl more if she were actually of my flesh & bone. I found FC on the internet and my brother had made the time to research and then make the arrangements for me and my Mia. I was a complete wreck. Justin was very helpful. He was compassionate, warm, loving … his service was second to none in all the businesses I’ve used in the past for whatever the reason. Justin allowed us to take our time, me especially, to say goodbye to my baby. For the first time in my little Mia’s near 15 years on this Earth I was comfortable enough to leave her in the care of a stranger. Justin took excellent care of all of us. He was with my baby the entire time. My mother & brother had Mia’s paw prints memorialized into clay. Justin was able to do her two front paws because she is so tiny. We were able to pick her up less than 24 hrs later. Justin was there with my angel, as promised. He took care of her the entire time she was there. I cannot thank Justin & FC enough for helping to usher the love of my life to the Rainbow Bridge. This year has not be kind to me. We started with my husband having several illnesses which we’re still working through. And now my baby, my Mia, has gone to collect her wings. It has me completely devastated. I’ll miss my baby every day for the rest of my life. I am just so grateful to FC, especially Justin, for their support. Justin is an asset to FC. I will refer everyone I know with pets to FC. We will be customers for every pet we have. This facility is amazing. My baby was returned to me in her beautiful, shiny urn. I couldn’t be happier with the love, care & attention she received. We all received. Thank you FC and especially Justin. May God bless you all and all who enter your doors. Thank you for caring for my baby girl. Peace & love, The Family of Mia Kaposy (8/24/2020)