Customer Testimonial

Veronica Andis-High

I’ve been wanting to write a testimonial about our experience but needed some time after loosing our beloved Border Collie. Sandy was a smooth collie. We had her for over 16 years. Our two sons 20 & 14 grew up with her. Towards the end we nurtured her the best we could. On the day she passed, on a Sunday, it was very emotional. I didn’t know what to do and couldn’t brace myself to put sandy in my car and take her anywhere to care for her remains. I found your service on the web. From the first moment, I was treated with upmost respect and in less than two hours, a gentleman and young lady were at our home, amidst all happening with Covid. They placed our sandy in their van so gently. The next day she was brought back home in a beautiful urn with her paw print on a memorial plaque. Even though our family was heart broken with our loss faithful companion helped smooth out a very emotional time for us when decisions were very difficult to make. Thank you and God bless.