Customer Testimonial

Katey Hrovat

My husband and I had to make a very hard decision to let our girl rest after 15 years of love. She suddenly lost mobility and we new it was time. I just met the kind people of Faithful Companion a couple days earlier and I knew they were the people to call. It was a Saturday night and I knew I could not let our dog sit until Monday. I called and immediately they answered the phone and where ready to help me. I have worked in the veterinary field for 25 years and have had to put many pets to sleep but this time the experience was flawless. They came to pick her up the next morning on time and were willing to drop her ashes off at our home. The communication throughout the whole process was so appreciated. We miss our little girl so much and could not be more thankful that we decided to call Faithful Companion. Susan went above and beyond for me and my family. The paw print was absolutely perfect and the box is beautiful. I HIGHLY recommend their services and will use them in the future. Words cannot express how thankful we are for all you do! Thanks to all of you for taking care of our girl Dakota Jean we are happy to have her home with us!