Customer Testimonial

Kevin R. Barnes

Geordi, a Borador (Brown Border Collie mixed with Chocolate Lab) was my best friend and baby for the past 12 years. His was one of the sweetest, most gentle souls I have ever encountered. He loved everyone and everyone loved him. It was important to me that upon his passing, his remains would be handled in the most professional, respectful, and dignified manner possible. Faithful Companion met the challenge and for that, I am eternally grateful. Upon Geordi’s transition on November 8, 2020, he was picked up at the veterinarian’s clinic, cremated the same day, and brought back to me in a beautiful urn by a Faithful Companion’s staff person the next day. There is no taking the sting out of the pain of my loss; but I do have a level of comfort in knowing that his remains were handled promptly, professionally and with the compassion expected for such a solemn occasion.