Customer Testimonial

Dan Lutes

I can’t make enough good comments about Faithful Companion and their professionalism/courtesy. Our mixed breed Grace was so sweet and loved everyone. She blessed our family for 14 1/2 years after my son rescued her as a puppy. We will miss her dearly. The vet at Union Pet Clinic (Ky….just south of Cincinnati) told us about Faithful Companion and recommended them highly if we were considering cremation. After some family discussion, we decided to use their service. I noticed in their brochure that, with appointment, I could observe the procedure. Thanks so much to Regina for setting it up. It was really special for me to be there and their associate Jonathon, was so understanding and considerate. Although I didn’t expect it, I asked if it was ok for me to take our beloved Grace home with me that evening. He said yes but it would require a little longer wait. Of course, I said that would be no problem. I am so happy that Faithful Companion provides this service and that I could observe the procedure. But, what was so special to me was that I was able to take her home with me that same evening. Thank you so much!!