Customer Testimonial

Carolsue Estes

We can’t say enough about the compassion and caring that the group at Faithful Companion, Charlotte NC showed us during the difficult time, losing our beloved lab, Maddie. We had spoken to Spencer a few weeks ago when we thought the time was getting close and he couldn’t have been more empathetic and reassuring as he explained their process. Yesterday, we had to make the difficult yet necessary decision to help our sweet girl get to the Rainbow Bridge. Brian and Chad were kind and thoughtful and assured us that they would be at the vet’s office at the appropriate time . They were respectful of us and of Maddie throughout the hour or so that we were there. First thing this morning, I received her ashes and a card in a beautiful wooden box with engraving.
While we hope to not have to use these services for a long, long time, it is truly a blessing to have such caring and compassionate people to help guide you through one of the worst days of your lives as a pet parent.