Customer Testimonial

Mike Trump

I am so deeply disappointed, angry and traumatized by my experience with this company. I had been here before with my now fiance and they were so caring and gentle and understanding; I knew this is where I wanted to go when the dreaded day arrived. What a mistake.

Upon calling, we were asked to come around to the back to drop my baby off by an employee named Star. As I arrived there, I was greeting by employees putting corpses into the ovens with boxes (coffins) stacked up beside them. I was devastated and traumatized to the point that I have waited to write this review. On top of that, once I gathered myself to go in the side door, Star was very unsympathetic and simply asked to take the box I had my Baby in. No condolences or anything….just business. I was in such shock, my fiance had to talk to her and when the manager (I guess) came out, he offered to LET US come in the front door. He took us to the room where we had gone before to talk and mourn the first time we went. I had to actually ASK for one of their boxes (coffins)!! He left us alone and after only a little bit of time, had the gall to come back and ask if he could take my Baby….I was so upset I remember telling him that I would take all the time I d*mn well wanted to.

If you use this business, which I never will again, make sure you do NOT deal with Star; she should be fired for her unprofessionalism and lack of compassion. If they say go to the back, REFUSE and meet up front. The only positive I have is the lady that delivered my Baby’s ashes to me came the next day and was extremely compassionate and caring. That was the ONLY reason I’d rate one star.