Customer Testimonial

Mark Childrey

My precious Klaus passed away in the early morning hours of Saturday, March 31st, 2018. I made arrangements with the veterinary hospital in Greensboro NC to handle the final arrangements. They told me Faithful Companion in Charlotte would be working with me and that they are a great company. I was worried about things until I spoke to Luke at Faithful Companion later that day who put me at ease about the situation. He took his time to explain things and answer all my questions and even took my special request for the urn. I was even more surprised when he told me Klaus would be back in Greensboro on Easter Monday. Sure enough, on Monday, the hospital called and said his urn was there. The urn is a beautiful rosewood box with Klaus’ information and the extras I asked to be etched on it. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. As soon as I got home, I placed the urn on the mantle next to Fritz, one of our babies that passed years ago. Now I feel better having him home again. Faithful Companion in Charlotte exceeded my expectations and I would not hesitate to use them again. It is a beautiful forever memorial and I’m thankful there are people like Faithful Companion who can help in a time of need. Thank you all!