Customer Testimonial

Ryan & Jill Artim

Sadly, we were traveling back home to Florida from our family vacation when we lost our beloved labrador Bennie. He had bone cancer so we knew our time was limited, but his decline was rapid and devastating. My wife and I took him to the mountains with our young twins and our other labrador, to spend as much quality time as a family as possible. Once he started to decline we hoped to get him back home, but we had to stop for the night in Columbia, SC. Our sweet Bennie let us know that night that it was time. We found an emergency clinic called CVETS and they were wonderful, but we were still in anguish over getting him back home to FL. At 6am on Labor day I called the Charlotte location of Faithful Companion and was surprised when someone answered the phone. A gentlemen named Tom answered my questions on how to get Bennie’s remains to Florida. Aside from answering my questions, he was compassionate and sympathetic. He was like someone I had known for a long time. Even at CVETS they couldn’t say enough wonderful things about Tom. At that point, I knew Bennie was in good hands. I called later that morning to arrange the shipping and Tom remembered who I was and even stated that Bennie is on his way to him at that moment. Bennie arrived at Faithful Companion at 9 AM. Two days later, Bennie’s remains were home with us in FL. They were meticulously and carefully packed with compassion and empathy. I cannot express how pleased I am with their services and I would recommend them to anyone. They have a first class service and staff who are professional and very compassionate with how we were feeling after losing such an important member of our family. It was meant to be that we stopped in Columbia, SC. Despite the circumstances, we had a wonderful experience with CVETS and Faithful Companion. My family can now go through mourning our loss since the death and cremation process was a smooth and positive experience. Thank you, so very much.