Customer Testimonial

Kerrie Hamilton

I am devastated by the loss of my precious Kallie Sue, the Blue Eyed Beagle. While she was a senior (12 years old)her sudden decline was unexpected. When we rushed in to Carolina Veterinary Specialists ER around 10pm on 8/13/19, she was barely clinging to life. I requested her to be cremated and to have the ashes returned to me. The emergency vet said that I would be contacted the following day by Faithful Companion. I received the call from Luke. He was wonderful and kind and patient. Her cremains were returned today (never have I seen this be done so quickly). I am still so very sad, but having her back home with her sister Tigger and me has given me needed peace. The paw print is beautiful and I will treasure it forever. I am thankful for you all and highly recommend their service. They are a blessing.