
    My Ritzy girl was a beautiful soul inside and out. She was my baby and she meant the world to me.
    For one thing, we were so much alike in our personalities. She leaves behind her sister and as her sister can be playful, wild and silly not my Ritz. She was calm and just laid back and was such a Mommas girl. In 7 years we’ve really had a bond. Ma-ma would do anything for her babies. To the point where for my Ritz it came that ok I would have to let her go. That i’d have to not think of myself and be selfish & as hard as that decision was my love for her couldn’t and wouldn’t let her struggle and suffer anymore. We fought a good fight & I think she tried to be strong for me but you don’t have to do that baby. Momma needs to be strong for you now.
    My Ritz will FOREVER hold a place in my heart.
    Ritz ma-ma misses you every SINGLE day & I know sissy misses you too & It’s so hard. I love you with all my heart. Thank You for being YOU and i’m glad God placed us together

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