
    My sweet Daffney – the house is a lot emptier now that you are gone. You were always the one that did the craziest things that would make me laugh out loud! Like the time at my nephews baseball game when you were 1 1/2, you slipped your harness and ran out on the field disrupting the game for 10 minutes as everyone including players on base, the outfield, infield and even the ref tried to get you. You just wagged your tail ran “almost” to everyone and then ran out the gate right back to me then flopped on the ground panting like crazy. You just had a great fun run – while everyone, even the ball players, laughed hysterically and mommy was embarrassed and wanted to crawl in a hole! But they always remembered you, didn’t they! Your name was spelled the way it is because I thought I was “Daffy” for thinking I needed a new puppy (then I not only brought you home but your sister too!!!) Your life ended way too soon at 6 years young from that awful liver disease. But we enjoyed every day we had together and will meet again… Libby and Izzy miss you too. Love you Daff! 4/05/2019

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