Customer Testimonial

Laura Bolender

Faced with having to say good-bye to a pet, a member of your family, is the absolute worst. Then to have to think what next, our vet suggested Faithful Companion. We have never had to think about what next, and we are so grateful for their suggestion. The care and respect shown to our beloved pet and us is unsurpassed. Our sweet toy poodle was back at home with us within a 24 hour period. The foot print we had made is precious and we were very overwhelmed with the loving care our baby was shown. Our baby was 17 years old, our oldest, and we have 2 more small dogs, ages 16 and 15. They are our children and with our remaining 2, we will not have to think about what next when that time comes. Faithful Companion has become our faithful companion. Thank you so much for the respect and care shown to our dear Alex. We have no children, but he was our first born baby. This means the world to us.