Shebah Lynn Alexander

    We had to send our Angel home to Rainbow Bridge October 17, 2014. We adopted our sweet Shebah in February 2001. Though her adoption booklet (which we still have) does not give a birthday, only her vaccine date of 12/10/2000, we decided her birthdate was 12/1/1999. She would have been 15 this coming December and we wish she could have made yet another milestone with us, but that is not to be. Her dementia and weakness in her back legs stole her from us over the last 2 years. I had to stop being selfish for me and be truthful to you. I promise you Shebah has been the best dog we have ever had, she has nurtured our 5 other dogs, and helped raise our human son. She has never pottied in the house, and never met a stranger. She was so very special and we pray every day how lucky we were to find her in the area of the shelter with the big dogs that Saturday, just looking at us so sweetly. She has been my rock and my sweet baby for 13.75 years and I can say I cannot stop crying at the loss of her presence. My heart has not stopped aching and the tears keep coming. I am not sure I was ready to say good bye. You got your t-bone steak, chocolate bar, donut and lots of love on that day but more than any other day. You were so good that day which made this so very hard. It is a decision I never wanted to make, but had to make for your safety. PLEASE BABY GIRL, HELP MOMMY TO AT LEAST STOP CRYING.

    Hugs and kisses forever,
    Mommy, Daddy, Hunter, Nash, Popeye, Lady, Rusty and Sadie

    • October 23, 2014
      I am so very sorry for your loss. It is a very difficult decision to make and do. I recently had to do this myself. I thought not yet, my boy still has it and has a few more good days. I would only have been delaying my hurt and prolonging his. Shebah gave you many years of her love. You gave her the greatest love back and that was giving her peace. always remember the wonderful times you had together and how blessed you were to have shared it with her. My sympathy to you family and my prayers to Shebah.
    • November 4, 2014
      Luthor, Thank you for your kind words. It has been just over 2 wks and I cannot get over our loss. I am seeking a pet loss group to join in our area. My family is suffering because I cannot begin to stop mourning, I am afraid I will forget her. If I forget to say good bye to her in the morning, I cry all the way to work. It is the most pain I have ever felt and my chest still hurts.
    • November 8, 2014
      Tammi, Try your very best to live life as normal as possible. Shebah will be in your memories and heart forever. Talking about her will help and as time passes will think of her with a smile not sadness. I know because I've been going through the same as you. It's been a month since my boy passed. I now tell stories of silly and wonderful things he did and laugh. you will miss her a great deal but, remember her for what she gave.

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